ECAS applied for DFG Community Prize!

Vote for ECAS from 15 to 26 November 2021!

What is the Community Prize?
The “Research in Germany” prize competition offers prize money for project ideas in the field of international research marketing. We participated in the call because we want to expand our marketing and thus reach even more people!

Who can vote?
All employees of German universities, universities of applied sciences and non-university research institutions with a content related to internationalization / international research marketing.

How can you vote?
Register for online voting on the competition page from November 5. You can vote for the best concept ideas from 15 November 2021. Contest entries consist of a brief summary and a 3-minute pitch video.

Vote for us from November 15 and support the academic exchange between Lower Saxony and Scotland. Let’s build bridges and strengthen collaborations together!

Please register here or via the link in our bio: