Who we are
The European Centre for Advanced Studies (ECAS) was registered in February 2019 as a charitable limited company (gemeinnützige GmbH) by the University of Glasgow (Scotland) and the Leuphana University of Lüneburg (Lower Saxony, Germany). While ECAS is a joint undertaking of both universities, it is established as an independent research institution with the freedom to choose its research topics.
The Idea
In times of change and political uncertainty, it is essential to continue and strengthen cooperation between academic institutions, professors and students. ECAS fosters exchange between academics from different countries and, in this way, is emblematic of the European Idea.
As a joint research institution, ECAS provides researchers from both universities with a platform to develop and carry out joint research and study programmes and to pursue commercial and industrial engagement of the partners.
The Purpose
ECAS initiates and supports the development of project collaborations, connects academia and industry, and serves as a platform for regional and European exchange.
The overall purpose of ECAS is the advancement of education and research at both universities, with a strong focus on interdisciplinarity. Its initial areas of activity include: Digital Culture and Media, Business Informatics and Data Science, Governance and Law, Management and Entrepreneurship, Educational Sciences, and Social Sciences.