Past Research Projects
quantumTANGO: Quantum Information with Top Quarks and Higgs Bosons
The project aims to construct experimental observables based on theoretical frameworks developed during a quantumTANGO workshop to identify an optimal discriminator between the entangled and null hypotheses.
Detection of Bioanalytes using a Novel 3D Printed Sensor Technique
The proposed research addresses the demand for fast/reliable biomarker detection schemes and provides a novel bio-analyte sensor design scheme based for the first time on a configurable platform with simultaneous label-free detection of multiple biomarkers using minimal sample volumes.
Navigating Career & Networking Challenges for Skilled Migrant Women Workers
This research aims to interrogate career and networking-related challenges for skilled migrant women employees in Scotland. It further intends to provide insights into gender diversity and network literature while generating applicable managerial implications for organizations and women to succeed in their careers.
Measurability of the Mechanical Faraday Effect
This project addresses fundamental topics in modern optical and atomic physics. The project will investigate the central question of how and to what extent mechanical degrees of freedom, such as translation and rotation, can be transferred from a highly focused light beam onto atoms in a vapour cell.
High Reflectivity of Focused Fields
The research project establishes the theoretical understanding and experimental implementation of the research on strongly-focused light fields. The underlying research has an impact on very small objects, such as single molecules, which are below the diffraction limit. Although the research originates from a fundamental standpoint, the outcomes have the potential to influence present day research in high-resolution microscopy.
Modeling the Path to Sustainable Diets in Germany and Scotland
This research project aims to develop potential food policy scenarios and simulate how these policies affect consumer food purchasing behavior, incorporating market dynamics and consumer preferences. Health, environmental, and economic impacts associated with the changed behaviors will be quantified using microsimulation modeling, enabling a comprehensive assessment.
Financial Globalization and Capital Flows in an unbalanced World
The purpose of this research project is to better understand financial globalization and capital flows by developing a theoretical and quantitative model that is able to simultaneously account for both the global imbalances (a fact of net portfolio flows) and two-way capital flows (a fact of gross portfolio flows).
Migrant Care Workers (MCWs) in UK, Germany & Italy
This short study aims to analyse to what extent different countries (UK, Germany & Italy) benefit from the contribution of migrant care workers in addressing the LTC needs of their frail aging populations. Moreover, it aims to analyse what source countries of these migrants face the challenges due to these outflows of care workforce.
Random Periodic Orbits and Periodic Measures in Interacting Particle Systems
This project aims to extend the existing analysis framework of studying random periodic behaviour and its periodic measure of random dynamical systems to interacting particle systems (IPS). Examples of IPS exist within all areas of natural and social sciences, such as traffic flow on highways, pedestrians or constituents of a cellular network, opinion dynamics, the spread of epidemics or fires, reaction-diffusion systems, crystal surface growth, chemotaxis, etc.
Simulating Subsurface Conditions for Green Energy Technologies
One of the goals of the project is to better understand how cracks form and propagate during a simulated well-stimulation process and how this affects the associated seismicity at the laboratory scale, in order to minimise the seismic risk at the field scale. Only with proven studies about safe and clean use of hydraulic fracturing can we develop a global case for the extensive usage of geothermal energy.
Quantum Energy and Accelerated Mirrors
The proposed research aims to analyse the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of quantum fields, which are induced by the interaction with external degrees-of-freedom. This research has a fundamental importance in gravity, where fields interact with the background spacetime. Clarifying the effects of the two-way interaction between quantum field and spacetime is a long-standing, still open issue which is known as the back-reaction problem.
Contextual-Fear and Theta-Rhythm
In this project, the researchers will develop an experimental task to alter rhythmic brain activity non-invasively and causally modulate the quality of contextual fear memory.
“You’re stealing our future!”
The international Fridays for Future (FFF) movement is made up of and led by young students using school strikes and other forms of protest to put pressure on policy makers to mitigate climate change. This project investigates the motivations of these young climate activists and their supporters.
Social Interaction in Times of Social Distancing
How do the changes in physical and emotional distance affect social interaction? The aim of the project is to address this question from an Experimental Psychology perspective by carrying out empirical studies both online and in the lab.
Synthesis of new Heteroalkenes Containing Group 14 and Group 2 Elements
The project focuses on the design and development of new bimetallic catalysts based upon main group elements due to their low cost, high natural abundance, and environmentally benign nature.