Tandem Fellowship Programme: Researchers meeting in Edinburgh

Once again, we are pleased to announce that two fellowship holders of the Lower Saxony – Scotland Tandem Fellowship Programme have come together to work on their project – this time at the University of Edinburgh.

Dr Lea Hartwich (University of Osnabrück) and Dr Helena Radke (University of Edinburgh) are investigating the motivations of young climate activists from the Fridays For Future movement. They take a closer look at roles of identification, injustice appraisals and efficacy beliefs as well as motivations of adults who support the young activists and methods of persuation. Dr Lea Hartwich arrived in Edinburgh at the beginning of May.

Details about this Tandem as well as other Lower Saxony – Scotland projects can be found here:
“You’re stealing our future!” – Fridays for Future and Collective Action against Climate Change
Lower Saxony – Scotland Projects

The Tandem Fellowship Programme promotes internationalisation and competence building for early career researchers, leads to cross-border European cooperation and strengthens both regions – Lower Saxony and Scotland – as producers of excellent research in the European environment.

The new Open Call for the proposals is available on the Tandem Fellowship website. The deadline for application is 15 May 2022. For more information about the programme, please contact ECAS directly at fellowship@ecas-academia.org