
The deadline for applications for the third Open Call for the Lower Saxony – Scotland Tandem Fellowship Programme has been extended to March 31, 2023. The decision of the selection committee and the announcement of the new fellowships will be published in April 2023. Thus, the start date of all upcoming fellowships has been moved to 1 May 2023, while 31 December 2023 remains unchanged as the intended end date. As the maximum duration of the fellowship has thus been reduced to eight months, the individual short-term stays are now limited to four months per fellow and will be funded with up to 1,400 EUR per person per month spent abroad.
We at the European Centre for Advanced Studies (ECAS) are excited to remind you that the current application period for the LOWER SAXONY – SCOTLAND TANDEM FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME ends in just two weeks! Proposals are invited from early career researchers, postdoctoral researchers or persons holding a postdoctoral position who have completed their PhD within the last ten years and have an employment contract (which extends for the length of the fellowship) with a Lower Saxonian or Scottish university, university of applied science or recognized higher education institution.
The third edition of the Lower Saxony – Scotland Joint Forum took place on 21 and 22 November 2022. For the first time, the event was hosted in a hybrid format – allowing for an in-person experience at the University of Glasgow as well as online for all other participants. Over 150 members from higher education institutions in Lower Saxony and Scotland took part in the diverse programme spread over two days. This is outstanding, since for the first time, the event has focused on a rather topical discussion on “Renewable Energies and Sustainability” instead of a general exchange on subjects common to higher education institutions in both regions.
The European Centre for Advanced Studies (ECAS) is pleased to announce that the new application period for the LOWER SAXONY – SCOTLAND TANDEM FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME is now open! Proposals are invited from early career researchers, postdoctoral researchers or persons holding a postdoctoral position who have completed their PhD within the last ten years and have an employment contract (which extends for the length of the fellowship) with a Lower Saxonian or Scottish university, university of applied science or recognized higher education institution.
From Tuesday, 12 October, until Friday, 14 October 2022, several delegates from Lower Saxony as well as members of the ECAS team travelled to Scotland to meet with representatives from the universities of St Andrews, Stirling, Glasgow, and Edinburgh. In addition, the delegation had the opportunity to engage with new and departing beneficiaries of the Lower Saxony – Scotland Tandem Fellowship Programme, who respectively presented their projects and reported on the experiences with the completed fellowships.
The second Lower Saxony – Scotland Tandem Fellowship Conference was held at the University of Stirling on 13 and 14 October 2022. The Fellow Conference is an annual two-day hybrid event to inaugurate each new generation of tandem projects. At the same time, it provides a platform for the outgoing generation to share experiences and present the results of their completed fellowships. To promote the international research partnerships supported by the Lower Saxony – Scotland Tandem Fellowship Programme, the conference is organised in partnership with a different participating higher education institution each year – this time we were honoured to work with the University of Stirling, Scotland.
The network and information platform for Lower Saxonian higher education institutions comprises more than 40 advisors at universities in Lower Saxony, who aim to facilitate access to European funding opportunities and to promote the international networking of higher education institutions.
The Lower Saxony – Scotland Joint Forum 2022 is less than four months away. All members of universities in Lower Saxony and Scotland are warmly invited and encouraged to host their own workshop online. The deadline for the submission of workshop proposals is still open until 15 September 2022.
After two successful editions, it is with great pleasure that we announce the third edition of the Lower Saxony – Scotland Joint Forum, taking place on Monday, 21 November 2022 and Tuesday, 22 November 2022 as a hybrid conference.
Since the first Open Call in mid-2021 commenced the initial phase of the Lower Saxony – Scotland Tandem Fellowship Programme, the initiative has proven to be an excellent opportunity for early-career academics to conduct research in a cross-national exchange at the most recognised universities in Lower Saxony and Scotland. The second Open Call was published in February 2022 and extended the programme for a further round of applications. Today, ECAS is pleased to present the list of new joint project proposals as well as the corresponding researchers who have recently been awarded a fellowship.

And wha winna wish gude luck to our cause, May never gude luck be their fa’!

Robert Burns